Our Address

Öldungur og Systir Ashby
Jórutún 6 Niðri
800 Selfoss, Iceland

Come Unto Christ

We are here to invite others to come unto Christ.

We honor the men of great devotion who have served
as missionaries, in the land of Iceland.

We too honor those who came into the Church as a result of their labors.
They are people of strength and indomitable faith.
They are people who speak in testimony concerning
The Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.

Many of the early converts left the land of their birth and went with great difficulty,
crossing the ocean and most of the American continent,
to their Zion in the valley of the Utah Mountains.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Fire and Ice

21 March 2010

A volcano erupted near the glacier Eyjafjallajokullin in Iceland, shooting up ash and molten lava and forcing the evacuation of hundres from nearby villages yesterday.
The eruption at the Eyjafjallajokull volcano, located near a glacier of the same name, shot ash and molten lava into the air but scientists called it mostly peaceful. It occurred just before midnight Saturday at a fissure on a slope — rather than at the volcano's summit — so scientists said there was no imminent danger that the glacier would melt and flood the area.
Scientists say it is difficult to predict what comes next. Like earthquakes, it is hard to predict the exact timing of volcanic eruptions.
This was a rather small and peaceful eruption but we are concerned that it could trigger an eruption at the nearby Katla volcano, a vicious volcano that could cause both local and global damage. This small eruption could bring about something bigger.
The last time there was an eruption near the 100-square-mile Eyjafjallajokull glacier was in 1821, and that was a "lazy" eruption — it lasted slowly and continuously for two years.
The eruption is taking place in an area that is relatively ice free, there is little chance of a destructive glacier burst like the one that washed away part of the east-west highway four years ago, after an eruption under the vast Vattnajoekull glacier.


  1. We are praying for your safety! Thanks for the updates and the photos!

  2. Vilborg Kristjansdottir and her daughter have brothers in the Reykjavik branch. They hiked the volcano this week and picked up a piece of new volcanic rock for me. We are friends on Facebook and she said she was excited to go see the volcano for herself. If you have a chance to meet her, tell her I said hello.
